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Wszystko Jasne Taka Emeryture Dostanie Prezydent Andrzej Duda

Discover the Intriguing Pension Awaiting President Andrzej Duda

Unveiling the Details of Poland's Presidential Retirement Plan

As Poland eagerly anticipates the upcoming news regarding President Andrzej Duda's pension, a closer examination of the intricacies of this highly anticipated announcement is warranted. This article delves into the specifics of the presidential pension plan, shedding light on the financial provisions accorded to the nation's former leader.

According to Business Insider Polska, upon leaving office, former Polish presidents are entitled to a pension equivalent to approximately 75% of their presidential salary. Notably, this pension is indexed to inflation, ensuring its value remains commensurate with the rising cost of living.

Key Provisions of the Presidential Pension Plan

  • 75% of the presidential salary
  • Indexed to inflation
  • Available to former presidents who have served at least one full term

Conditions for Eligibility

Former presidents are eligible for the presidential pension only if they have served a full term of five years. This provision ensures that the pension is reserved for those who have dedicated a significant portion of their lives to serving the nation.

Additional Benefits and Responsibilities

In addition to their pension, former presidents are also entitled to certain benefits and responsibilities, including:

  • Office space and staff
  • Security detail
  • Representation allowance

These benefits are intended to facilitate the former presidents' transition back to private life while ensuring their continued contribution to Polish society.


The presidential pension plan in Poland is a carefully crafted arrangement that provides financial security and support to former presidents while recognizing their service to the nation. The provisions of the plan ensure that these individuals can continue to live comfortably while maintaining their dignity and contributing to society.
